I think it'd be helpful if when you pressed enter when taking notes it just went a line down instead of 2 (see example below) like how it works in docs, because,
  1. being that the notes extension is so small when takes 2 lines your notes get so spaced out the concepts start to feel alienated and can be a bit detrimental to learning
2.It would have an effect of helping people take better notes because concpets would be able to be portrayed better because their visual organization helps them be more easily understandable, which would help brains sort and categorize information as sub categories would be closer to their category & you'd be able to organize micro vs meta concepts better. (see example 2)
Also it's not a hard fix & wouldn't detract from the previous system, as if you do want to skip down 2 lines you could just press enter twice
Oh but also there may be a way to change this already, lemme know if there is, idk i just got lunanotes
i.e. I wish it went:
notes sentence 1
notes sentence 2
instead of:
notes sentence 1
notes sentence 2
Example 2
System I propose
Value in Economic Systems, determined by variations in 3 core
  1. Labor
  2. Capital
  3. Natural Resources
-And the major players in these 3 parts determines the economic system (as in capitalism, communism, socialism, etc.) of the country, particularly:
1.Who controls the capital: this is usually a private sector vs. government situation,
-0% = complete gov control
-100% = complete private sector control
2. Central Coordination: how much control gov. has over what gets produced.
(coordination means as in how much the government can coordinate to control)
-low econ. coordination: gov might mandate few things, but most decision making is
up to private sector
3.Use of Markets: how extensively markets are used to set prices
- At 0%, gov sets all prices, consumers have no say
-At 100%, markets set price of everything (even things like basic, life-saving health care (this kinda gets into the harms of free markets)
-This # can also be thought of as controlling number and extent of gov regulations (i.e. tariffs, antitrust laws, reg.s on net neutrality)
vs. current system:
Value in Economic Systems, determined by variations in 3 core
  1. Labor
  2. Capital
  3. Natural Resources
-And the major players in these 3 parts determines the economic system (as in capitalism, communism, socialism, etc.) of the country, particularly:
1.Who controls the capital: this is usually a private sector vs. government situation,
-0% = complete gov control
-100% = complete private sector control
2. Central Coordination: how much control gov. has over what gets produced.
(coordination means as in how much the government can coordinate to control)
-low econ. coordination: gov might mandate few things, but most decision making is
up to private sector
3.Use of Markets: how extensively markets are used to set prices
- At 0%, gov sets all prices, consumers have no say
-At 100%, markets set price of everything (even things like basic, life-saving health care (this kinda gets into the harms of free markets)
-This # can also be thought of as controlling number and extent of gov regulations (i.e. tariffs, antitrust laws, reg.s on net neutrality)